Accessing account 2 and up from the wallet extension in Sparrow wallet
How to I access account 2 in the Wallet extension on Sparrow wallet?
To see addresses on other Accounts in Leather in Sparrow you will have to adjust the derivation path in settings. We use a different account index. Account 1 m/86'/0'/0' (taproot for account 1 in Leather) Account 2 m/86'/0'/1' (taproot for account 2...) Account 3 m/86'/0'/2' Account 1 m/84'/0'/0' (native segwit for account 1 in Leather) Account 2 m/84'/0'/1' (...account 2...)
The gap limit will let you search across the address index for activity (the last number for an address), these regenerated addresses were used prior to March 20th: Account 1 m/86'/0'/0'/0/0 This is the derivation path of the default Taproot address on Leather. Regenerated addresses for account 1 would have derivation paths like this: m/86'/0'/0'/0/1, m/86'/0'/0'/0/2,... m/86'/0'/0'/0/100 etc.
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