Getting an address Private Key

How can I get the Private Key for a specific address in Leather rather than the Mnemonic Seed Phrase that gives access to all accounts?

A stepwise approach using the Electrum wallet from This will require the Mnemonic seed phrase from your Leather so you can access it in Electrum and extract the private key for a specific address.

  1. Download and install the Electrum wallet

  2. Choose the Leather address and account you want to set up in Electrum. In this example we use Account 3, and want to access the native segwit BTC address.

    1. For native segwit address (starting with bc1q...) the following path is used: m/84'/0'/<account>'/0/0

    2. For taproot addresses (ordinal inscription address) the following path is used: m/86'/0'/<account>'/0/0 legacy regenerated addresses from before March 20th would be on the last index. (Taproot m/86' or bc1p... is not yet supported by Electrum).

  3. In this example, Account 3 the BTC balance address (native segwit, starting with bc1q...) means we want to get access to m/84'/0'/2'

  4. Click File in Electrum

  5. Enter your Seed Phrase (typically 24 words)

  6. Click the addresses tab, the first address will be the native segwit address displayed in the Leather wallet for Account 3.

  1. Right click the top address and click "private key"

  2. Copy the p2wpkh key to use elsewhere.

  3. Repeat steps from 4. to get the private keys for other accounts in Leather.

Last updated